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H.E Prince Asumadu delivered and presented the State of the SRC Address yesterday at the SRC General Assembly before the Speaker of the General Assembly, Rt. Hon Stephen Awuah Pobi doubles as the President of the Political Science Students Association. Present at the delivery was the Vice President of the UGSRC Wisdom Ndukwe, Aki-Ola Aziz, Special Envoy; Office of the UG-SRC President, and the Treasurer Dianiel Obeng Asamoah, The Newly Elected President and Vice President of the UPSA SRC, and his entourage, The newly appointed representatives of the UG Distance Education students, Members of the Assembly, and scores of students at the public gallery to observe the the presentation and delivery of the state-Of-the SRC, SOSA 22. The Presidet, Master Prince Asumadu lamented on tge various sectors, ranging from the academic affairs, security and intelligence andstudents affairs, electoral commission,, programmes and projects among scors of others. He thanked members of his team for suppor

60th Anniversary Celebration currently Ongoing

Glaring at the Great Hall is the courful celebration of the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the most patronized department of the University of Ghana 🇬🇭. Here in presence is the Special Guest of honour, the Rt. Honourable Mike Ocquaye, who had had the opportunity and taken charge as Head of Department and had climbed the highest ladder and mounted one of the highest pedestals in the political discourse. He had been adjudged the Overall Best Graduating Student. It cannot be discredited and discounted his influence and impart in the political dispemsations as a Member of Parliament and the Speaker of Parliament under the 4th Republican dispensation as the 7blth Speaker of the legislature. The Guest Speaker is the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Philip Duku Osei of the Dombo University of Business & Integrated Development Studies, Mrs. Linda Ofori, Executive Director- Ghana 🇬🇭 Integrity Initiative & the Head of Department, Mrs. Maame Adwoa Gyakye A. Gyandoh, Ambassador of Denmark, Amba

Political Science Department Turns 60 Today: Hurray!!!

The largest Department at the University of Ghana is celebrating its 60th anniversary on today, 22nd July, 2022. The launch of the commemorative event would be taking place @TheGreat, located on @the premises of the Office of the Vice Chancellor and the Registry. The event will be attended by graced by eminent personalities in the persons of Rt. Hon. Speaker Aaron Mike Ocquaye, the immediate past Speaker of Parliament, had occupied the position of Head of the Political Science Department. He is the only sucessful Political Science student, who had passed through as a student of Political Science through Degree, Masters and PHD holder and climbed to the highest level of Government. The event will kick off @ 2PM @ THEGREAT HALL on FRIDAY, TODAY, 22ND JULY, 2022. All Political Science students and Alumni must endeavor to attend the program. Source: AKI-OLA AZIZ


The Office of the UG-SRC today, 22nd July 2022 would bring to you the State of The UG-SRC at @7:00PM @SRC CONFERENCE ROOM(UNION BUILDING) This is to disseminate information concerning the activities, events, programs, and projects of the SRC to the general student population, and in turn, receive opinions and views from the student populace. The State Of the UG-SRC will offer the SRC President, H.E Prince Asumadu to share with students his programs, projects, expenditure, and budget appropriations among numerous others as the constitution of the UG-SRC mandates him to deliver. The State of the SRC will offer the President a great opportunity to address students on the SRC Week Celebration we believe. The President will get an opportunity to interact with the media and the good students of the Premier University. This would offer the SRC the opportunity to listen to the grievances of students and adopts steps to offer lasting solutions and remedies to that effect. We are in anti

64th UGSRC Week Celebration is Scheduled On 20Th

The 64th UG-SRC Week Celebration commences on 20th August, 2022. The SRC is ready to commemorat the 6th anniversary. The event will be duly launch by the Presidentto unveil the programmes and projects that will be embarked by the UGSRC. The 64th Week celebration will bring together students from the various JCRs and departments and alumni of Premier University. The event under the watch of Prince Asumadu will be the first of its kind. It has eight cardinal events which will be marked, the popular among them is the Rep your school, Awards and dinner night, Press Briefing among several interesting programs. It will be a period of celebrations and commemorations which will focus on the inteest of students. Anticipate as we bring the SRC near your doorsteps!!! The anniversary will be climaxed with merriments. As we wait for the SRC to draw and showcase the road maps for the commemoration of the 64th anniversary, let's put it at the back of our memories that we have to commit our

UG-SRC Issues Passport Application

UG-SRC under the Office of the General Secretary had begun the issuance of passport applications. Any student interested can walk to the office of the General Secretary, Stephanie Naadu Antwi to procure his passport. The process began Monday, 18th July 2022, and is currently ongoing @the SRC Union Building from 10 AM to 5 PM each day. You can also contact the following contacts for further clarification and information on 0261828790 0556769570 0544492576 0554264989.

UG-SRC in Collaboration with Ash Token & GCS Fibres embarks on Financial Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Seminar

University of Ghana 🇬🇭 Students' Representative Council led by H.E Prince Asumadu and Wisdom Ndukwe under the office of the UGSRC Treasurer, in collaboration with Ash Token and GCS Fibres are embarking on a Financial Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Seminar dubbed, "Using Blockchain Technology To Foster Job Creation And Entrepreneurship Development". The Special Guest of Honour is the Honourable Member of Parliament t for the Assin North Constituency who doubles as Chairman of the Defence And Interior Committee in the legislature, Kennedy Agyapong. The presence of prominent personalities from Ash Token and GCS Fibre would grace the occasion. The program will be honored by the Executive officers, Officials, and Committee Heads of the SRC. The program is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 21st July 2022 @Cedi Conference Centre Adjacent University of Ghana Computing System UGCS @8.00AM- 5.00 PM. Let's s all endeavor to be there. Source: Aki-Ola Aziz

Indigenous Ghana Tertiary Awards Opens Nominations

The maiden edition of the Indigenous Ghana Tertiary Awards has been opened for students to file their nominations to contest for various positions. This award is the first of its kind with varied categories, ranging from leadership, academics, entertainment, fashion, creativity and entrepreneurship. The nominations are open for applications from 11 July, 2022 to 11 August, 2022. Students across the various tertiary education institutions can vie for the various categories. The awards night will be organized to award deserving students on merit. If you are interested copy the link to nominate your candidature and that of your admirers. You can contact the organizers for further clarification at +233547765238/+233598225556

Appoint Secretaries To Comittees And Recruit Members Of The Committees To Allow Them To Operate

The President of the UGSRC should as a matter of concern appoint secretaries to the various commitees to permit them to work and function effectively and efficiently. There has been a decline in the coefficiency of the committees owing to the outstanding appointment of secretaries to the standing and adhoc committees of the UGSRC to aid in the drafting, planning, and writing of minutes, and taking records of the commitees. After frantic and dramatic swift of the assignment of Committee heads, no single person has been appointed to serve as a member on any of the substantive committee which leaves much to be questioned. The engagements of committee heads did not necessarily mean a committee had been established. The non existence of committees is worrying, disturbing and unwararranting. The President in Consultation with the Vice President and the General Secretary should masterbate and charge themselves with the appoint of the secretaries, and so direct the appropriate quarters to r

Petition Seeking for Extension in Academics Unnecessary; What is needed by students is accomodation

Following a petition by Master Rahman Yusif, Deputy Academic Affairs Committee Head who doubles as the candidate for Elizabeth Francis Sey Hall JCR Presidential position to the UGSRC, copied to the President asked for an immediate intervention for an extension of teaching and learning.The petition was delayed, it supposed to have come earlier than before. I am of the firm conviction that the petition was motivated by his desire to contest for the JCR Presidential position. The students believe that having been mandated as the Deputy Academic Affairs Head, the Academic Affairs should have come out with a communique rather seeking to provide the road map and pragmatic steps through the Committee by the UGSRC, intervening on behalf of students to the Accademic Affairs. we took notice of the UGSRC's communique appended by the president and copied the Speaker of General Assembly and Radio Univers. The release informed the petitioner that the UGSRC had already taken notice of the sit

Raman, Bright & Manuel Get Juicy Appointments in UGSRC

Three prominent guys get favour in the eyes of the SRC President.This students took a centre stage in the campaign trail of Prince Asumadu when they were in level 100 students. Their hard work contributed to the success story of the incumbent administration. Raman Yussif had been appointed Deputy Academic Affairs Head, Bright Boakye Addo as Deputy Scholarship Head and Emmanuel Owusu Amponsah as Head Club and Societies Head. We wish them well as they assume their respective roles.


 In the wake of end of first semester examinations, excellences Prince Asumadu and Wisdom Ndukwe has lobbied and made available official arrangement for 4 shuttle service for students on Diaspora, International, Traditional and Pentagon Campuses(Northern campus). The aforementioned destination is the convenging point where students would be conveyed to and fro their examination centres.  Students should accord the needed and the necessary support, cooperation and assistance to the agents. The free shuttle commences today, Sunday, 15th of May, 2022. It is for a period of one substantive week. We have been told the President is working around the clock to call for the extension of the services of the Boafo bus.  Whistle Blower 360 & Walking Encyclopaedia 360 wishes you a successful examinations. 

I Foresee Brighter Prospects in Asumadu & Ndukwe led Administration

The prospects of Asumadu and Wisdom Ndukwe led administration has been the one that many students anticipate. However long it takes, the mandate has been been given to them.  Upon resumption to office, we have seen their Swift intervention in organising a meeting with the sellers at the Lecturers and staff markets ( Night Market) discussing the recent hikes in commodity prices. The recent increase in consumables and foodstuff is alarming, unwarranted and worrying. We cannot fathom why every blessed day's provisions prices are inflating. Extorsions at diaspora halls are uncalled for and not guaranteed. We are keenly aware of their intervention, and hoping that the Asumadu- Ndukwe led governance would expedite the unfailing effort to deal with such menace confronting us. Indeed, governance is continuous we have seen that the duo has taken the trend of mobilising students for a seminar. This has been a programme that virtually every administration embarks on to sensitize students on m

Vacate UGSRC President's Office Naadu Told

Information reaching Whistleblower, 360 is that the immediate past Acting UGSRC    President is feeling reluctant to vacate the office of the UGSRC President, Stephanie Naadu Antwi following the swearing-in of Prince Asumadu and Wisdom Ndukwe as President and Vice President respectively, just recently. The behaviour put out by the former Ag. UGSRC President who doubles as the  General Secretary of UGSRC is uncalled for and has made many students believe that she is a power-hungry chief executive.  It seems many students now tend to believe the aphorism or the common parlance that, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". I would like to urge her to assume and take up her position as the substantive General Secretary of the SRC and work, coordinate, monitor, supervise and control the secretariat and the publicity.  She has been ascribed as a woman of charisma and we want her to behave as much to put her enemies to shame. If nothing at all, we can recall her ro

Reshuffle Committee heads- Our Humble Appeal: Aki-Ola Aziz tells UGSRC Prez And Veep

​It is the fervent belief of students that the 64th USRC President, Prince Asumadu would expedite actions on reshuffling most of the appointees of the UGSRC. It has been anticipated that the Prince Asumadu/ Wisdom Ndukwe administration would keep the ball rolling, and discard all appointments under the guise of reshuffling and reappointment. It would not be surprising to see some key and top-notched campaign team members besieging the Union building as a reward for loyalty, hard work and commitment. The said President and Vice had battled with the courts since their election in the previous year. it is the firm conviction of students that the duo would perform the task ahead of them. Others have argued that time is far behind that the couple would not be able to live up to their expectations; probably reneging on their campaign promises. Walking encyclopaedia 360; alongside the whistleblower, 360 is keeping an eye on them. We are glued to the university community and willing to scrutin

Stephanie Naadu's 100 Days In Office Is A Failure

Ag. University of Ghana Students' Representative Council Presid8ent, Stephanie Naadu's appointment is more of a ceremonial orientation than an administrative orientation. She was elected by the student populace as a general secretary to take records of the UGSRC and write minutes among other things. However, owing to the impasse between the two substantive UGSRC presidential candidates at the Court of Appeal, she was appointed by the school management to spearhead, supervise and steer the affairs of students within the Union Building. It is quite unfortunate for the declared winner and plaintiff, Prince Asumadu who sought redress at the Accra High Court to be sworn in as the duly elected president, which went in his favour. The respondent, the previous Chief Justice had sought for appeal at the Court of Appeal to overturn the ruling of the high court to install Samuel Amos Ofosu as the validly elected president. Stephanie Naadu has been fortunate and she needs to take advantage

Where did we go wrong as students of the 21st century Ghana 🇬🇭?

  Where did we go wrong as students of the 21st century in Ghana 🇬🇭? In the last 3 to 5 decades, we had student leadership strong as the hippo, brave as the lion and wise as the parrot which was vocal, competent and cunning and fought for the interest and welfare of the general student populace. Today, where are the NUGs, USAG, TTAG, the SRCs, GNUPs, TUSAGs and the likes? Indeed gone are the days where student leadership meant politics; student activism. When student leaders meant well for their members. Where struggles and toils were exchanged for prizes and awards, not cash and cheques and visa or master cards. Yesterday was bright. Today ought to be brighter and tomorrow must be the brightest. Calm your nerves down, never be perturbed we are here to fight for you.  "Good name is better than riches". I prefer learning how to fish to fishing for. We fish for fish. The ultimate prize one is paid for is incumbent on the service he or she renders. We should learn to serve rat

Meet Douglas Effah: The Next CHISAG Vice President.

Meet Douglas Effah: The Next CHISAG Vice President Leadership is about service and not lordship n over your subjects. That is the principle that Mr Effah Douglas believes in. He is of the strongest conviction that leadership is about service but not lordship and servitude. The gentleman is someone we can vouch for when it comes to occupying any student's office. He has climbed the higher ladder when it comes to student leadership. He is prominent, renowned, and first among equals who rally behind his followers to reach a higher height. He has been limelight among the shakers and movers of his class. Douglas Effah as he is popularly known attended the University Staff Junior High School where he was elected as the class prefect around. He furthered his education at Okuapeman Senior High School and was elected the Senior Boys Perfect and consequently the Students' Representative Council President (SRC). In this noble institution, he is the course representative and was a substant

Drop The One Student One Laptop Policy And Build Hostels - AKIOLA AZIZ appeals to University Management.

​ The Prospective Communications Team Member of the Oppossition National Democratic Congress, Greater Accra Region and a student of the Premier University of Ghana, Aki-Ola Aziz had suggested to the Vice-Chancellor of the University Of Ghana to invest the money to purchase laptops for each student dubbed, "Operation 1 Student 1 Laptop to build halls of residence and hostels on campus.  He opined that investing in the construction of halls and hostels will yield more dividends for the institution because entirely every student owns an electronic gadget be it a laptop, tablet, iPad or mobile phone. He considers the halls as a priority that should not be sacrificed for laptops.  The Vice-Chancellor, during her swearing-in ceremony, borrowed this from the government which suggested procuring Laptops for tertiary students which is yet to see its implementation.  The students have not received their share of the laptops as 350,000 basic school teachers are battling with theirs.  The con


There have been a series of uproar by the majority of students in the nation's Premier University which was occasioned by the UGSRC election which was conducted in October this year which was followed by a runoff. The Judicial Council of the UGSRC received a petition for which Samuel Amos Ofosu, Nana B citing various degrees of irregularity. The petitioner prayed to the Council to cancel and nullify votes from Sarbah and Akuafo on the grounds of alleged ballot stuffing. The court after hearing the case had established a prima face case against the issue and had accordingly annulled the votes from the two respective halls. They moved and directed further by ordering the Office of the UGSRC Electoral Commission to conduct a run-off election for those affected halls. There have been many concerns raised by supporters of the y3y3dom team figuring or accusing the school administration and the MP behind the purported schemes to prevent the President-elect from being sworn in. The afterm


​ Master Anthony Kwame Julius, the General Secretary for the National Union of Ghana Student-NUGS needs to be commended for his dexterity in coming out with a presser to substantiate and dissociate the Union from the claims made by the President of the Union, Yiadom Boakye earlier this week to endorse the Budget Statement and Economic Policy for the 2022 Financial Year. The National Secretariat together with the office of the executive committee had issued a presser to disclaim or disown the president and his cohorts press conference, that those views and opinions expressed by them do not represent those of the union, and should be treated with the contempt it deserves. Earlier this week, thus, on Wednesday, the Minister for finance had presented a budget statement before parliament for consideration, adoption and approval for the 2022 financial and fiscal year. The content in the budget had received a backlash and condemnation from the public, especially on the introduction of the ele