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Showing posts from February 4, 2025

Vote 4 Me~ Livingstone Agyeman Scott Entreats

*Dear Comrades* , we have the opportunity to renew our contract tomorrow as we head to the polls. I have been in close contact with you even before this electoral process. Together, we have been able to 1. Conduct two press conferences with extensive coverage. 2. Room to Room Outreach to improve membership 3. Campaign with lecturers 4. We did the Room to Room campaign together. 5. Represent the fraternity on several Tv/Radio stations 6. We conducted the Lecture Hall to Lecture Hall 7. Constitute the prompting team for Election 2024 on campus. 8. UG-TEIN Monitoring team for election 2024. *PLEASE REMEMBER ME🙏* * ✍️✍️ *Agyeman Livingstone Scott* *Legon Sammy Gyamfi*