Where did we go wrong as students of the 21st century in Ghana 🇬� In the last 3 to 5 decades, we had student leadership strong as the hippo, brave as the lion and wise as the parrot which was vocal, competent and cunning and fought for the interest and welfare of the general student populace. Today, where are the NUGs, USAG, TTAG, the SRCs, GNUPs, TUSAGs and the likes? Indeed gone are the days where student leadership meant politics; student activism. When student leaders meant well for their members. Where struggles and toils were exchanged for prizes and awards, not cash and cheques and visa or master cards. Yesterday was bright. Today ought to be brighter and tomorrow must be the brightest. Calm your nerves down, never be perturbed we are here to fight for you. "Good name is better than riches". I prefer learning how to fish to fishing for. We fish for fish. The ultimate prize one is paid for is incumbent on the service he or she renders. We should learn to serve rat...
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