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H.E Prince Asumadu delivered and presented the State of the SRC Address yesterday at the SRC General Assembly before the Speaker of the General Assembly, Rt. Hon Stephen Awuah Pobi doubles as the President of the Political Science Students Association. Present at the delivery was the Vice President of the UGSRC Wisdom Ndukwe, Aki-Ola Aziz, Special Envoy; Office of the UG-SRC President, and the Treasurer Dianiel Obeng Asamoah, The Newly Elected President and Vice President of the UPSA SRC, and his entourage, The newly appointed representatives of the UG Distance Education students, Members of the Assembly, and scores of students at the public gallery to observe the the presentation and delivery of the state-Of-the SRC, SOSA 22. The Presidet, Master Prince Asumadu lamented on tge various sectors, ranging from the academic affairs, security and intelligence andstudents affairs, electoral commission,, programmes and projects among scors of others. He thanked members of his team for supporting his ambitions, paricularly, the Vice President, Wisom Ndukwe as his mainstay supporter before, diring and after the elections. He made mention of Aikins Opoku, Curtis Akomea, Joseph Appiah Danquah, Nana Yaw Lyno, Raman Yusif and other prominent leaders and committee heads on his governance, Asumadu-Ndukwe led Administration. He touched on numrous programs undertaken by his administration, lamenting on the UG-SRC Skill BootCamp which is intended to train, equip and retool 1000 yong students and his dream to build study zone around Akuafo Hall. He also brushed all his resolve to cut sod for the construction of the UGSRC hostels and Office Complex which will serve as the administrative office of the SRC and provides accommodation for students to provide a lasting solution and solve the problem of acute accomodation shortages. After his solid and magnificent presentation, the speaker joined the house to cheer him up; y3y333y3!!! Beneath is the excerpts from the presentation of the SRC President who happens to be the Commander-In-Chief of the UG Central Cardet Corp. The Speaker of the House, The Pro Vice Chancellor ASA, EXECOM members present, The House, Invited Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, all protocols duly observed. It is good to be back here again on this floor in this Assembly, after the short but necessary break. The existence of the General Assembly is not just crucial but a necessity to achieving the SRC we dream of which is poised to reaching the needs of the ordinary student. I recollect with nostalgia the vigorous debates in this house from past sessions until these gains were dismantled by the Coronavirus in March 2020 when the University was shut down. After a long covid-19 induced break, the University resumed for work in January 2021 with many conditions governing the interactions and engagements of students. Due to reasons best known to the previous administration, the legislative arm of the Students’ Representative Council, Our Council, the General Assembly of the SRC was not revived nor inaugurated to play its check on the administration, an error which went a long way to hunt us down as a council. Praises to the Immediate past Acting General Secretary of the SRC, Mr.Nana Yaw Okyere for taking the bold step to inaugurate the General assembly despite all the challenges and set backs. On October 29th, 2021, the students of the University of Ghana went to the polls, and voted decisively for an impactful Leadership. As a result, today, I am here in this House, as President of the University of Ghana Students’ Representative Council, having secured an emphatic, electoral victory. Mr. Speaker, despite the deliberate attempts by enemies of our student democracy and haters of good leaders to deny the good students of the University an impactful leadership, we have to thank God for His Grace and Favour for a peaceful and smooth transfer of power, in which well meaning Students rose to the occasion, and made our council the object of national admiration. Every student who played a role in this democratic process is to be commended for their strong attachment to the principles of democratic accountability. I would like to take this opportunity, Mr Speaker, to express my sincere appreciation to the former acting President Stephanie Naadu Antwi and her administration, Vice President Prince Arthur, Secretary Nana Yaw Okyere and my very good brother Treasurer Daniel Obeng Asamoah, for their leadership and role to ensure a smooth transition after acting as caretakers for our SRC. I say, ayekoo! Mr. Speaker, I will also want to commend the Electoral Commission for the 2021/2022 Academic year and its Chairpersons, Henry Ackon and Bright Siaw Manukre for the conduct of our recent elections. They stood for our SRC. They stood for students. They defended the nation’s hope and glory against the enemies of our enviable Council. In the coming years, I hope that our electoral processes will become even more robust, so that free and fair elections become sustained tenets of our democratic culture. Mr. Speaker, certain incidents occurred during the transition period that are matters of concern to me, and should be to every Ghanaian, as they destroy an otherwise dignified and successful transition. Wrongdoing has no affiliation, and I do not subscribe to the lawlessness of supporters simply because their candidate has been elected into office or has not been elected. I condemn all such conduct that occurred in previous election and transitional process, and I call on all student leaders, especially General Assembly Members to ensure that this is the last time such undignified acts occur during any transitional process. Mr. Speaker, I come before you, today, in fulfilment of the constitutional obligation that the President of the SRC gives a message to the General Assembly and the entire student body on the state of the SRC at the beginning of every session of the General Assembly. Since my inauguration some two months ago as President of our Council, I have set to work, gathering the members of the team who will help me govern. I have heard people say I have an elephant government. Mr. Speaker, our SRC’s field is large and it demands we get more labourers. We are clearing the weeds and bad crops of the past and planting new seeds that will produce bountiful harvest for generations after us. We are being chased by time; it demands we work from dawn to dusk. And we cannot harvest the Impactful Agenda with few hands. I am grateful, therefore, to the Honourable House for the manner in which my nominees for the various committees have been vetted and approved. I look forward to the House dealing with the rest of the nominees I send, in an equally fast and efficient manner. Mr Speaker, to give a fair account of the state of our council, I have to give an account of the state of our council as at April 24, 2022. This account will highlight some of the fundamental elements of the situation, and give the honorable members a fair idea on the council my Administration and I inherited so as to judge us by our works accordingly. Mr. Speaker, I say nothing new or dramatic, when I tell this Honourable House that I inherited an administration with no handing over notes, with no audited reports on the coffers of the SRC from previous administrations, i.e the Kwame Amo Ntow Fianko and Stephanie Naadu Antwi led Interim Administrations. This has left a burden on my administration as we are unable to keep track on the activities and dealings of past administrations so as to now whether to start afresh or continue on some gains made. Mr.Speaker and the House, all attempts by my administration to get a proper handing over documents have proven futile. In the last sitting of the First Session of the 2021/2022 General Assembly, the house tasked the Audit Board to present before it an audit report on the accounts of the previous administration, as such, I will be very glad if the house presents to my office a copy of the report. Mr. Speaker, despite the delays. Despite the disruptions. Despite the discontents. We have achieved a lot. So, after two months, what have we done? Under Academics, Mr. Speaker, we have for the first in the history of our SRC enjoyed triple extension of academic registration for the 2nd Semester of 2021/2022. This feat was possible through the Academic Affairs Committee. They held series of meetings with the Pro VC ASA, Academic Affairs Directorate and other relevant stakeholders to make this possible. The Academic Affairs Committee also organised a Supplementary Examination Assistance Program (SEAP) which was aimed at assisting students with Resit Examinations. As part of the project, tutorial sessions were organised for selected courses free of charge. Mr. Speaker and the House, I must say that, I am very much impressed with the works of the Academic Affairs Committee headed by Graham Oduro Derry and his deputies: Gideon Ofori, Joycelyn Ahianyo and Raman Yussif. The SRC also instituted an SRC Scholarship Support Desk through the SRC Scholarship Committee Chaired by Samuel Kwame Owusu. The SRC Scholarship Support Desk was aimed at assisting students with their scholarship applications with Distance Education and City Campus students and Level 100s being their primary targets. The Desk has been running since June 2022 and ended on Sunday July 17 2022. The Desk was led by the Deputy Scholarship Affairs Committee Head Curtis Owusu Akomeah with the support and assistance of the other in the application deadline for the SRC Yi Bi Boa Scholarship. This enabled more interested students apply to be beneficiaries of the Scholarship Scheme. Mr.Speaker, the security and safety of all students remain and important part of the reasons for the establishment of the SRC and as such, all actions and activities of the SRC, must promote the safety and security of students. The SRC through the Intelligence and Student Affairs’ Committee has held series of engagement session with the University Security and the District Police Headquarters of our Municipality, the Ayawaso West Municipal Assembly on how to work together to ensure the safety of students. As such, the SRC has secured routine patrol at selected sections of the University by the Ghana Police Service as part of increasing the Police Presence on campus to deter criminals whiles giving students the sense and surety of proper security on campus. Again, with the support of the Municipal Chief Executive of the Ayawaso West Municipal Assembly, the SRC has secured 150 Street lights to be positioned at vantage places on campus to enhance security by increasing lighting on campus. On behalf of the SRC, i express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Municipal Chief Executive, Honorable Sandra Ahenkorah for her support to the SRC and the University at large. We appreciate her remembrance of us as members of the Municipality and factoring us in every plans of her administration. Mr.Speaker and the House, the University of Ghana SRC has maintained its enviable relationship with other institutions and has reaffirmed its membership to Associations including as The University Students Association of Ghana (USAG), National Union of Ghana Students(NUGS) and the All African Students Council. The SRC has taken strategic measures to ensure that, our membership to these associations provide our council and its members the needed opportunity to learn and also improve in human capabilities. In March this year, the University of Ghana SRC participated in the National Council of Ghana Students Congress held at Ejisu in the Ashanti Region of Ghana to elect new set of leaders. I am happy to inform the house that, the University of Ghana successfully and with a huge endorsement maintained the International Relations Secretary(IRS) of the National Students of Ghana Students portfolio. On behalf of the Students of the University of Ghana, I express myheartfelt congratulations to Master Alexander Oppong Kyekyeku on his election as the NUGS IRS. Oppong Kyekyeku served in various ranks of the University of Ghana SRC and hence it came as no surprise when all students in Ghana reposed in him their confidence. In the University of Ghana, Oppong Kyekyeku served as the Vice President and Acting President of Akuafo Hall JCR, Member of the Executive Committee of the University of Ghana SRC, a member of the SRC General Assembly and a Senior Statesman per the dictates of the University of Ghana SRC Constitution. The House, Miss Jessisca Twumasi was also elected as the Secretary for Women’s Development. Miss Jessisca served as Women’s Commissioner of the Accra City Campus SRC for the 2019/2020 academic year and was a member of the University of Ghana SRC General Assembly presided over by Rt.Hon Emmanuel Agyei Owusu Ampem. The University of Ghana SRC also participated in the University Students Association Congress 2022 held at the University of Education Winneba. At the end of the congress Mr. Speaker I am delighted to officially announce to the house that, the University of Ghana claimed Three (3) out of the enviable Eight(8) Executive Portfolios of the Association i.e Secretary for International and Diaspora Affairs, Coordinating Secretary and Press and Information Secretary. Miss Angela Amoako Asantewaa who happens to be a deputy Women’s Commissioner of the University of Ghana SRC was overwhelmingly elected as Secretary for International and Diaspora Affairs whilst Miss Dayan Green, a Deputy Arbitrations Committee Head was elected the Coordinating Secretary of the University Students Association of Ghana. Miss Aku Sika, a member of the Premier Legon Hall, was also elected as the Press and Information Secretary of the Association. The University of Ghana presented Six Candidates in total with our Presidential Candidate, Master Joseph Appiah Danquah withdrawing from the race. On behalf of the SRC, I wish the other students who couldn’t win better luck next time and congratulate the winners for making the SRC and the University proud. Special Congratulations to Master Prince Agyenim Boateng, the Local NUGS President and Head of External Affairs and his entire team for leading the charge in achieving this great feat. Mr.Speaker, the University of Ghana SRC has began conversation with stakeholders from embassies and high commissions in Ghana as part of the efforts to secure internship and scholarship opportunities for students of the University. The SRC led by the External Affairs Committee partook in the 2022 European Council Mission in Africa Celebrations. This is a yearly celebration organized by the European Council Mission in Ghana to provide opportunity for Ghanaians, especially Tertiary students to network and also find more information on scholarship and internship opportunities in European Countries. Mr.Speaker, the SRC as part of the World Menstrual Hygiene Day Celebration, embarked on Menstrual Hygiene campaign to educate ladies on campus on on practices that when implemented, will boost and enhance their menstrual hygiene. As part of this exercise, souvenirs on Menstrual health were distributed to ladies on campus to boost their Menstrual hygiene during their Menstrual periods. Mr.Speaker and the House, the important dedication to Women Affairs and the development and improvement of all women by the SRC Women’s Commission under the leadership of Miss Comfort Abban is manifested in the just ended USAG Congress which saw all Women candidates of the University of Ghana winning their various race. Mr.Speaker and the House, Fellow Students, I made a solemn pledge to the students of the University of Ghana, a pledge that was backed by a vision and a plan. I assured the good students of the University of my commitment to ensuring not just the academic and social well being of all students, but also the human capacity improvement of all students of the University of Ghana. Mr.Speaker under the Asumadu-Ndukwe led administration, measures have been put in place to kickstart the mega Skill Up for Jobs Boot Camp which is aimed at providing skills to One Thousand University of Ghana Students. The Skill Up for Job Boot Camp is a project that is aimed at providing the Students of the University of Ghana with basic skills to make them self sufficient after school without being desperately in need of employment. This entrepreneurship drive will go a long way to curb graduate unemployment that has characterized our Ghanaian society. Mr.Speaker, permit me to give me warm appreciation to the Committee Head for the Enterpreneurship Committee Master Samuel Kwakwa for his long standing dedication and commitment to see the success of this project. Again, we are thankful to Miss Omario Danso, the sponsorship committee head and her entire team for the success achieved thus far. Mr. Speaker, I am fully aware of the accommodation crises that the University experiences every academic year. The SRC has been engaging all relevant stakeholders to ensure a smooth commencement of the SRC Hostel. We have currently began further engagements with architects and consultants to have a well laid plan for the SRC Hostel Project. We have envisioned to construct a 6000 bed capacity hostel for undergraduate students with a shopping center, reading rooms and TV Rooms, a basketball and table tennis court, and an SRC Complex to serve as an administrative block for the SRC. Mr.Speaker, we are hoping to Commission the first phase of the Project latest by the end of this year. Mr. Speaker, I cannot speak without talking about the men behind the SRC’s communication. My administration’s success within this short period has been visible to students because of the hardwork of the Publicity Publications and Information Committee. My administration has done a tremendous job with information dissemination due to the commitment, hard work and efficiency of the Publications Committee led by Nana Yaw Okyere and his team members: Kojo Hagan, Samuel Ackom, Isaac Osei Bonsu and Elisha Owusu Akyaw. The SRC is building a strong base on social media and our presence is gradually being extended. The numbers from our social media outlets look positive and is a reflection of how we have used social media to our advantage. We have also enhanced our digital media communication by adopting modern means of digital communication through the use of infographics. These have helped simplify complex communication to the understanding of all students. Mr.Speaker, the welfare of students in all spheres of campus living remains an important aim of my administration. We successfully provided Free Shuttle services for students as part if the measures to reduce the burden on students during examination week. We also conducted a free E-Zwich registration exercise for students to provide them the opportunity of acquiring e-zwich cards to enable the smooth transaction atmosphere on campus. Again Mr.Speaker, with the support from Ash Token And GCS Fibre Limited, we cleared the fees of Ten(10) students with special needs to a tune of Ten Thousand Ghana Cedis(GH¢ 10,000). This was to assist them and also to ensure they complete their academic registration. Mr.Speaker and the house, it is common knowledge that, the increase in the prices of fuel has a direct impact on the cost of transportation in every part of the world including our part too. The consistent increase in the price of fuel in the country has largely affected the cost of transportation on campus. My administration and I right after our inauguration has had series of engagements with Transport operators on campus on the alarming cost of transportation on campus. Mr, Speaker, I’m glad to announce to the House and all students that, the SRC through the Transport Committee led by Master Ransford Biney and the Legal Advisor of the SRC shall present the “Campus Transportation Bill 2022” to the house, in coming weeks, for consideration and subsequent approval to guide campus transportation. The bill among other things, shall prescribe a mode of service to Campus Transport Operators and shall propose a formula for the periodic adjustment of Transportation Cost in campus. Mr.Speaker, for this semester and subsequent years, we are hoping to build an SRC that is able to impact the life of the ordinary students and not just the political class of the student population. Processes have begun to ensure the construction of a study space for students, especially for non- resident students and to offer them the opportunity to sit, rest and prepare adequately for their classes. The study space is going to be financed from the coffers of the SRC. All necessary engagements and approvals have been done to enable a smooth commencement of the project. In due time, the Programs and Projects Committee led by the intelligent Aikins Opoku and my hardworking Pamela Ami Seyram will lay before the house all plans that have been considered for the commencement of all projects and programs on campus. Mr. Speaker, in a few days’ time, we shall mark the 65th anniversary of our Council. Ebenezer, thus far has the Lord brought us. We all know where we want the SRC to be, and we are aware we are not where we want to be or ought to be. We also know of the big dreams of our Predecessors to build a formidable-reliant and impactful council that would take pride of place amongst the comity of other universities. This anniversary provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our past and plan for the future. This is the SRC we see – a new UGSRC. We will put in place policies that will deliver sustainable growth and build the student of the University of Ghana to become world class students. This anniversary provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our past and plan for the future. This is the SRC we see – a new UGSRC. We will put in place policies that will deliver sustainable growth and build the student of the University of Ghana to become world class students. We will set upon the path to build an SRC that is not a puppet to anyone but the ordinary students on whose mandate we serve, on truth and purpose; an SRC that is able to look after its people through intelligent management of the resources with which it has been endowed. This is our path, and this path offers a new UGSRC. This SRC will be defined by integrity, a common ethos, and discipline. It is one where we aim to be masters of our own destiny, where we mobilise our own resources for the future, breaking the shackles of the politics induced atmosphere and a mind-set of bring- him-down. It is an atmosphere where we look past chronic thirst for power and position. It is an SRC where we focus on development, impact, and growth. This requires a forward- looking vision for our council, enabling us to confront our challenges and embrace our opportunities, not one fastened in the rear-view mirror. An SRC that will take actions to get results. It is an Impactful SRC. The house, I am very grateful for the support from this house so far to my administration. Without your support, I doubt we could have reached this far. To my Vice President, Wisdom Ndukwe, the man of the moment. For your unalloyed support from beginning to end, thank you. You have played a role to make all these happen. To the Vice Chancellor, and Pro VC ASA, thank you too for always opening your doors to us. May God bless the University of Ghana SRC, May God bless the University of Ghana May God bless our homeland Ghana and make her great and strong. Thank You.
