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Source:Univers The embattled and stepped aside Chairperson of the UGSRC Electoral Commission has registered his unqualified apology to the office of the Dean of Students' Affairs and the other mambers of the University Community for his untenable behaviour towards the Dean and the entire populace of the university,following his leaked tape. His miscalculated and unguided correspondence to the Dean escalated tensions, amidsts his recent communication with UGSRC Presidential Aspirants on a possible pair between aspirants. The Whistle Blower had cited a letter of apology dated August 6th, 2024 to the office of the Dean of Students' Affairs, rending an unreserved apology to her and the general university community. The letter comes as refreshing moment to critics of the EC who had grilled him for his actions and inactions relating to the 2024 UGSRC Elections. The letter portrays that Mr.Ibn Ibrahim Mudasdir had shown remorse for walking over on the dean, and his admission

UG-SRC Skill-Up For Jobs Boot Camp A Mere Jamboree

Todays' publication of Skill-Up for Jobs initiative was nothing more than a sharade purpoted to divert attention from the recent increment of fees by the management of the University of Ghana, and clarion calls by concerned students of the university asking the leadership of the Students' Representative Council to intervene and intercede on their behalf. The dumbfounding actions of the Tsikata-Zanyoh led SRC Administration must be treated with the contempt it deserves. Upon their assumption to office, they have never championed the welfare of students;neither have they been able to negotiate for a reduction in fees for students nor advocate for an initiative to augment or support accomodation deficit confronting students every semester. The Akan adage yhat states that 'y3y3 dea 3fata ansana yay3 dea ehia'. To wit, "we do what isof necessity before we do what is of luxury" What they are only notorious of is side attractions i.e,jams, photoshoots. And they a

I Beg To Differ On Lawyer John's Demise

  Lawyer John Kumah    The question I ask myself is why is it that there are always serial killings in the New Patriotic Party? I found no reason why there should be murder associated with the NPP. If we could reset our memory to the death of Adams Mahama of the Upper East Region in 2015 which led to the apprehension of Asabke Alangdi and Gregory culminated in the suspension of his brother, Paul Afoko as National Chairperson of the New Patriotic Party then opposition party, then we could now understand why the NPP is seen in connection with killings. Chairman Adams was attacked and a substance believed to be acid was poured on him, which led to his demise. Poncing on it over and over again, I couldn't fathom why they should incarcerate one of their own affable persons. I keep wondering why the gruesome murder of Joseph Boakye Danquah, then the member of Parliament for Akyem Abuakwa North who was supposed to assume the position of a flag bearer of the New patriotic party sudden a

67 Years Of Independence: The State Of Ghana's Economy

It is quite imperative to note that after 67 years of independence from the shackles of colonial rule, the state of Ghana's economy has been tattered beyond repair.  Seven at the International Monetary Fund for financial stability and the World Bank for budget support. One may question the country's membership to the IMF and the WB so entitled to the loans, grants, and aid from the Bretton Woods Institution. The issue about that is the indiscriminate application from the Fund and the Bank since the attainment of independence and statehood. Most of the time our request for funds comes when all financial and fiscal indications show that we do not qualify for the fund. The Fund in turn imposes certain stringent measures to be complied with about fiscal policies, and taxation for us to meet the requirement and qualify for the funds. We are very much aware of the issues of GETFUND, ESLA, and E-LEVY as collateral to meet the financial obligation, not forgetting the controversial Deb

Enough Of The Funfairs

It has become noticeable that the Tsikata-Zanyoh-led  UGSRC is more of a funfair without recourse to their policies tabled during the run-up to the SRC Campaign the previous year.  We have, and continue to witness only seminars and entertainment programs setting aside cutting-edge programs and projects that would contribute to the development needs of students. Most importantly, breaking away from their policy focus and direction. The most bizarre and absurd is the secular and photages of the SRC President and his team popped up on various social media handles purported to have met with KNUST SRC Secretary and other executives to strengthen ties and consolidate support for mutual benefit, assuming a role that is coterminous with that of NUGS President. Unless the motive behind is that he intends to contest for NUGS Portfolio. This stunning gesture has caused euphoria, with some students anticipatingthe SRC President continuing his tour to UCC, Winneba, and UDS among others. This gestur


Good-day! Anyidoho, Koku I communicate to you to halt your open and bitter resentment towards the gentle and affable persona and former first gentleman of the land, John Dramani Mahama. You claim to be an ardent and proponent of social democracy and associate of tge left-wing reactionary socialist ideology. We admonished your selfless service to the office of the former President, the late H.E John Evans Atta Mills as the Director of Communications, and your subsequent election as the Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress. This could have prefrerably shaped you and made you the General Secretary of the NDC. You fought well in the contest between you and the National Chairman of the party. The previous elections would have forsaw your leadership as General Secretary. You remember when the NPP, through their surrogates arrested you and put in the CID cells. He was the one who came and granted you bail and walked with you as triumph victory over them; your pur

You Spoke Out Of Sheer Arrogance & Ignorance Abigail Elorm Akwambia

The Indefatigable Deputy National Women Organizer of the National Democratic Congress, Abigail Elorm Akwambia, with the prospect of forming government in 2025 has taken a swipe, slam and call on the bluff of the Member of Parliament for Awutu Senya East,Hawa Koomson who happens to be the then Minister for Special Initiative and the incumbent minister for Fishries and Acqua-Culture. In the presser the Deputy Women Organiser admitted that this has been the routine behaviour of Hawa Koomson and his NPP apparatchiks; only adds up to his earlier unsavoury remarks about the youth and netizens, and addressed her as dishonourable Member of Parliament. She lamented that the dishourable MP should have admonish the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian, that was least expected of her. She also consoled the teeming unemployed youth to acknowledge the 24 hour economy proposed by John Mahama and the NDC and urged them to be calm as the next NDC government will seek their interest and ddress their need

The 24 Hour Economy Proposed by Mahama; NPP's Headache

The much talk-about proposed policy initiative, the 24 hour economy is the order of the day, and it looks as if is a headache for the rulling New Patriotic party and governemnt. The rank and file of the party wakes up every blessed day to propagate about the policy. The Presidential Candidate and Flagbearer who happens to be the Second Gentleman, H.E Dr. Mahamoud Bawumia of this country has been in oppostion to this initiative. Ministers of State, Members of Parliament for the rulling NPP, Ambassadors, High Commissioners had also spoken in negation to the 24 hour Ecomomy. Scores of party executives and members of the rulling party and government had portrayed same with the fear of losing to the opposition National Democratic Congress, the NDC. With few of thier Members, particularly, Honourable Ekow Asafua admitting that if the NDC is able to communicate the policy well to Ghanaians they will purchase or buy into that idea. The 24 Hour Economy, if implemented, when the the NDC ass


The UGSRC President,Frank Tsikata had hinted earlier to challenge the elections results of the University of Ghana Business School, that saw the victory of Francis and the defeat of his darling boy,Nunya. Intel gathered by the whistleblower360 was that the SRC President gathered momentum to challenge the election conducted by UGCS as being fraught with various forms irregularities and malpractices. After a sober reflection of the euphoria surrounding his election as president, and his encounter with Boakye,the immediate UGSRC President who challenged the results of the previous election which saw the victory of Tsikata as rigged. He was reminded of how Boakye was querried about not having confidence in a system that brought him to office, and wanted to put it to a litmus test. In the same vein he would have challenged the outcome of the Business school elections. But for previous interventions made him scary of taking such steps,and he believes it would make him unpopular. Th