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The UGSRC President,Frank Tsikata had hinted earlier to challenge the elections results of the University of Ghana Business School, that saw the victory of Francis and the defeat of his darling boy,Nunya. Intel gathered by the whistleblower360 was that the SRC President gathered momentum to challenge the election conducted by UGCS as being fraught with various forms irregularities and malpractices. After a sober reflection of the euphoria surrounding his election as president, and his encounter with Boakye,the immediate UGSRC President who challenged the results of the previous election which saw the victory of Tsikata as rigged. He was reminded of how Boakye was querried about not having confidence in a system that brought him to office, and wanted to put it to a litmus test. In the same vein he would have challenged the outcome of the Business school elections. But for previous interventions made him scary of taking such steps,and he believes it would make him unpopular. The SRC President should have rather channel his energy towards implementing policies he promised the student population, as well as carrying out the mandate upon which he was elected.He should ensure that effective mechanisms are put in plce to ensure free, fair and transparent elections.


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Source:Univers The embattled and stepped aside Chairperson of the UGSRC Electoral Commission has registered his unqualified apology to the office of the Dean of Students' Affairs and the other mambers of the University Community for his untenable behaviour towards the Dean and the entire populace of the university,following his leaked tape. His miscalculated and unguided correspondence to the Dean escalated tensions, amidsts his recent communication with UGSRC Presidential Aspirants on a possible pair between aspirants. The Whistle Blower had cited a letter of apology dated August 6th, 2024 to the office of the Dean of Students' Affairs, rending an unreserved apology to her and the general university community. The letter comes as refreshing moment to critics of the EC who had grilled him for his actions and inactions relating to the 2024 UGSRC Elections. The letter portrays that Mr.Ibn Ibrahim Mudasdir had shown remorse for walking over on the dean, and his admission