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Showing posts from November, 2021


​ Master Anthony Kwame Julius, the General Secretary for the National Union of Ghana Student-NUGS needs to be commended for his dexterity in coming out with a presser to substantiate and dissociate the Union from the claims made by the President of the Union, Yiadom Boakye earlier this week to endorse the Budget Statement and Economic Policy for the 2022 Financial Year. The National Secretariat together with the office of the executive committee had issued a presser to disclaim or disown the president and his cohorts press conference, that those views and opinions expressed by them do not represent those of the union, and should be treated with the contempt it deserves. Earlier this week, thus, on Wednesday, the Minister for finance had presented a budget statement before parliament for consideration, adoption and approval for the 2022 financial and fiscal year. The content in the budget had received a backlash and condemnation from the public, especially on the introduction of the ele


Junior Common Members of the University of Ghana would be embarking on a protest today, Sunday 21st November 2021 at 7:00 AM to register their displeasure against the deliberate delay of the transition of power by the Dean of Students Affairs, Professor GodfredAlufa Bokpin. The demonstration would commence at the almighty Balme Library and across the nook and cranny of the main campus. The rationale behind this protest is the suspicion of students that the dean and some high profile personnel are attempting to overturn the outcome of the results by recommending to cancel results of some particular polling stations. The general student's body is suspecting that the committee would call for the cancellation of the entire results of the UGSRC elections and order for fresh election by the committee. They could probably also suggest that some polling stations results be nullified as stated earlier to favour particular candidates, which they believe would favour Samuel Amos Ofosu, alias

Dissolve-Seven-Member-Committee; It Is Unconstitutional ~ Students Of The Premier University Tell Dean Of Student Affairs

Students of the Nation's Premier University, University of Ghana are calling for the immediate dissolution of the~7~member~committee established by the Dean of Students Affairs, Professor Godfred Alufa Bokpin, of which they believe its emergence is in contravention with the constitution of the Students' Representative Council. According to them, the dean has no audacity to establish the committee. The four elected bodies of the SRC; the President and his Vice, the Secretary and the Treasure had petitioned the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor and copied the office of the Vice-Chancellor to summon and order the dean to dissolve the said committee which is of no legal effect and in conflict with the SRC's constitution. It is on the grounds of article 31 of the SRC constitution that the students are calling for the quashing of the committee. Article 31. Challenging elections The validity of the election of an Executive Officer may within two months after the coming into force of

Dissolve Seven-Member-Committee; It Is Unconstitutional ~ Students Of The Premier University tell Dean of Student Affairs

Students of the Nation's Premier University, University of Ghana are calling for the immediate dissolution of the~7~member~committee established by the Dean of Students Affairs, Professor Godfred Alufa Bokpin, of which they believe its emergence is in contravention with the constitution of the Students' Representative Council. According to them, the dean has no audacity to establish the committee. The four elected bodies of the SRC; the President and his Vice, the Secretary and the Treasure had petitioned the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor and copied the office of the Vice-Chancellor to summon and order the dean to dissolve the said committee which is of no legal effect and in conflict with the SRC's constitution. It is on the grounds of article 31/of the SRC constitution that the students are calling for the quashing of the committee. Article 31. Challenging elections The validity of the election of an Executive Officer may within two months after the coming into force of


AKI-OLA AZIZ COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER HOPEFUL Tein Communications Officer aspirant, Aki-Ola Aziz has release ecerpts of his manifesto in the early hours of today,  at dawn around 3.00 am. Sharing his policies on his various social media handles and platforms he touched on numerous policies he would embark on when he sail through the various protocols; vetting and elections.  He briefed his followers on addresing the challenge of inefficient communication machinery through the procurement and provision of a reliable and dependable website. He helighted the need to create telegram, twitter, and instagram platforms to augment and facilitate the channel of information and communication. He also lamented on the purpose of strengthening the already existing WhatsApp and Facebook handles to ensure effective communication tools for the network. Among other things, he talked about his ambition to foster good rapport among UG TEIN, The National  TEIN Secretariat and the Communications Bureau of th