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Tein Communications Officer aspirant, Aki-Ola Aziz has release ecerpts of his manifesto in the early hours of today,  at dawn around 3.00 am. Sharing his policies on his various social media handles and platforms he touched on numerous policies he would embark on when he sail through the various protocols; vetting and elections. 

He briefed his followers on addresing the challenge of inefficient communication machinery through the procurement and provision of a reliable and dependable website. He helighted the need to create telegram, twitter, and instagram platforms to augment and facilitate the channel of information and communication. He also lamented on the purpose of strengthening the already existing WhatsApp and Facebook handles to ensure effective communication tools for the network.

Among other things, he talked about his ambition to foster good rapport among UG TEIN, The National  TEIN Secretariat and the Communications Bureau of the party via the creation of a substantive Communication Bureau to address the challenges of communication on campus. This he believes will bridge the gap and plug the loopholes created among the architecture of the party.

All things being equal he commented on his desire to seeking the interest and welfare of members of TEIN in particular and the student body in general. Meanwhile he had proposed for advocacy to secure scholarships and sponsorships to be awarded to brilliant but needy students for the purpose of championing the cause of members.

He is poised to embarkimg on an open forum to update members on national and partisan matters, via press conference or meet the press and press releases.

This is an excerpt of his manifesto:




Upon asumption in office  or to power, I shall in collaboration with my deputy and the Seccretariat of the Tertiary Education Institutions Network- University of Ghana Charpter launch TEIN Communications Bureau to aid in the dissemination of information on campus through;

A. 📺📟Press Releases/ Statements - We shall release communique to address issues of national interest and most especially of parisan consideration.

B. 🖨️Press Briefing - We shall also address the  media through the Bureau on issues that affect the well being or the welfare of the general student body and members in particular.


During my tenure or term of office, the Bureau in consultation with the Organizing body would emback on an outreach programme to conscientise members on the philosophies and ideals of the party and that of the network.


When I assume to power, The Communications Bureau under the auspieces of the Network shall conduct open forums and platforms to update members of the university community on the policies of the National Democratic Congress, taking into consideration the aims and objectives of the mother party to be featured and factored in the plans of the Network.


The Communications Bureau, under my watch shall digitizite our various social networking platforms by ensuring the creation of websites for TEIN UG CHAPTER. With the unfliching and unwavering support of the TEIN Secretariat, we shall create an all clock website, thus a 24 hour website for the Bureau for the purpose of members being able to access information and data from the site. This would facilitate the work of the Network, thereby ensuring effective communication machinery. This would also serve as a catalyst to enhance and promote communication as well as strengthen the communication machinery of TEIN. Moreover, this would augment the communication of the National Tertiary Education Institutions Network of the National Democratic Congress in paricular and the National Democratic Congress in general.

This will provide efficient communication tools for the National  Communications Bureau.


When I am elected to power I shall, through the   Bureau and with the aid of secretariat advocate to champion the cause of members by dint of seeking to promote the interest of members through the National Secretariat. We shall advocate for the welfare of members and seek for their well being. We shall also ask for assurances for members by soliciting for scholarships for members, for needy but brilliant members through the executive body. The sponsorship will be solicited from alumni members, parliamentarians,  parliamentary candidates and corporate bodies


My tenure as Communications Officer for TEIN UG shall witness publication of articles, news, bulletins and magazines on the various social media patforms and the website for the first time in history. We will be strengthening our Facebook handle or page, and we shall create  twitter, telegram and instagram handles to assist in the publication and publicisation of news and articles. 


We shall collaborate and associate with the other ancilliary  Communication networks of other tertiary institutions when the need be or arises. Where there is no proper communications office we shall advise them to devise the appopriate mechanism to establish substantive, reliable and dependable Communications Bureau. 

Our Communications Bureau shall support and  augment that of the National TEIN Secretariat.

 Considering the policies that will be innitiated and implemented under my watch and capacity as TEIN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER 21 shall engender effective  communication and proppaganda machinery for transparency probity and accountability.




