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The Oracle Writes... Part 1

NIGERIANS VOTED FOR CHANGE BUT DISUNITY DENIED THEM - A LESSON NDC MUST LEARN The outcome of Nigeria's election clearly shows that Nigerians yearned for change, desired change and voted massively for change but greed rubbed them of that needed change. The outcome of the election tells us how disunity resulting from lack of internal democracy has gifted the ruling APC 'cheap' victory at the expense of suffering Nigerians. The APC was clearly not the choice of Nigerians but they have to live under its rulership again for another 4 agonizing years. Painful! It was long forecasted that the APC had lost the trust of Nigerians and all that was needed was an opportunity to vote them out. They youth of Nigeria were battled ready to kick out the APC government and they voted exactly for that change. Even in Northern Nigeria where it was believed was APC's "world bank", votes from that part of the Country showed that the people were no longer tied to blind and unproductive religious and ethnic loyalty. With the idea of change as the only viable solution to Nigeria's problem, the only hope for Nigerians before May 2022 was PDP. All what was required of PDP was to keep a united front and victory would be delivered as cheap as the word cheap. Unfortunately for the PDP, it could not unit its ranks and by June 2022 it had disintegrated. The division came as a result of how processes leading to their flag bearer election was skewed to favor Atiku Abubakar. In fact, all political watchers knew Atiku would win the election so all what was required of the leadership of the PDP was to remain neutral, transparent with the process and give all aspirants equaly treatment. For whatever reason, leaders of the PDP decided to outdo each other over who should be seen scheming openly for Atiku Abubakar. This created room for the collapse of democratic processes within in the PDP in the lead up to the flag bearer election. It was common to see national leaders of the Party openly campaigning against Atiku's opponent and telling delegates why the other candidates were not an option. Gobsmacked by what was going on, two big shots of the PDP and frontrunners in the flag bearer election, Peter Obi and Mohammed Musa Rabiu Kwankwaso decided to jump ship. Both Peter Obi and Kwankwaso resigned from the PDP in 2022. Their resignation did not end there, they decided to pursue their presidential dreams on different political tickets. While Peter Obi opted for the Labor Party, Kwankwado tied the knot with NNPP. Before this election, it was believed that LP and NNPP were no threat to APC and PDP. Both Peter Obi and Kwankwaso knew the political strength of APC and PDP and probably had at the back of their minds they would not be able to upstage any of these parties if they went their seperate ways. They both attempted merger talks but this did not yield any meaningful results as both noble men felt it was their time to lead. The major isssue between the two was who should be the candidate and who should be the vice? None of the two wanted the number two slot. At the end, each of them decided to do the unthinkable by running for President. Peter Obi was lucky as his candidature attracted the youth, middle class and some disgruntled PDP and APC members. There were those who believed in the mantra that APC and PDP were products of the same scion. Like speed of light, Peter Obi, though running on the ticket of an almost moribund Party, caught the attention of not only Nigeria but the world. His track record as former Governor of Anambra State, partly did the magic for him. He was packaged as an aggressor when it comes to fight against corruption and someone who had what was needed to revive the economy. Giving what was happening, it was clear, viewing from any objective point that the APC, which enjoyed relative internal peace even after their primaries, was heading for a win with Tinubu. From the onset of its troubles, PDP underrated the force of Peter Obi and Kwankwaso so the elders of the Party did little to get them to rescind their decision of resigning from the Party and contesting on the ticket of other parties. They probably called their bluff. All indications pointed to the fact that Atiku would not win without the support of his fomer running mate, Peter Obi, and Kwankwaso. It was also true that Peter Obi would also not win without merger with Atiku and PDP. As for Kwankwaso, his only hope of becoming president was to get on the ticket of PDP with the support of Obi and Atiku. So all that was required of Nigeria to topple APC at ease and get the change it badly needed was a united 'trilogy' of Atiku,Obi and Kwankwaso. Unity was the only priceless commodity thst was needed. Unfortunately, there was nobody to bring them together in the interest of Nigeria so they all went into the election with one of their hands tied at their back while APC had both hands untied. The result of the election where Atiku garnered 6.9m, Obi got 6.1m and Kwankwaso managed 1.4m; all summing up to 14.4m against Tinubu's 8.7m tells us how disunity, greed and inordinate and insatiable appetite to satisfy individual's political aspirations against group's interest has denied Nigerian's the change they voted for. Regardless, Tinubu and the APC deserves commendation and congratulations for winning. To my beloved NDC, the watch word here is UNITY! As we kick start our parliamentary and presidential primaries, lets conduct ourselves in a manner that post election issues will not pose any threat to the change Ghanaians badly desire. The only enemy to our victory in 2024 is DISUNITY. Nigerians are wailing today because they could not come together to rival a government they wanted out. Both Atiku, Obi and Kwankwaso have failed Nigerians and posterity may never forgive them. The NDC cannot afford to fail the masses! Amorse Blessing Amos Regional Youth Organizer NDC - Greater Accra
